Saturday, April 20, 2013

Your prayers are requested...again

Dearest faithful prayer warriors and friends,

It's been a long time. I know. I'm sorry. In my quest to live "normal" life I think I have avoided updating this blog. God has been so faithful in my life. Healing has continued. We are at 15 months now: NED (no evidence of disease)!  I had my last treatment last week. We are in the "monitor and follow up" phase now. No more invasive procedures. I cannot express the joy and gratitude I feel.

I am now requesting your prayers because I have the opportunity to share publicly for the first time this weekend about my journey with God, cancer and healing. I am normally a very timid person when it comes to sharing anything publicly. I always think that there must be someone more talented or qualified than me to speak.  But when I received this request something inside me jumped at the opportunity. God has given me such a gift. He has instilled knowledge and insight in me this past year and a half that I know is about more than just me. It is in fact, his story. The story of his love for and the redemption of his people.  He has placed a piece of this in me. I am anxious to have opportunity to share and give God glory for how he has lead, corrected, comforted and healed me.  Every chance I have to share I want to take it with the full confidence that it is His story I get to share.

I will also be sharing about you. About your faithful witness to his power seen evidently in the way you have so passionately prayed for my healing. You are a part of my testimony of healing and  to the effectiveness of prayer. I will share about the beauty of the prayers of the saints being offered in worship before the throne of God.

So, this Sunday.  Please pray for me if you think of it.  I will be nervous.  But more importantly I hope to communicate effectively the piece of God's hear that he has allowed me to experience, the piece that I now know of his goodness, healing and love.  Please pray that His story will be communicated through me.

I am grateful to be running this race with such a great cloud of witnesses. To God be the glory,